Ultimate Moose Hunting
Welcome to Ultimate Moose Hunting, a online Moose Hunting resource. We are a comprehensive Moose Hunting website directory of guides, outfitters and lodges.
Recommended Moose Hunts Outfitters, Guides & Lodges

Agassiz Outfitters - Manitoba
Alaska Guide & Outfitting Service - Alaska
Beaver Trap Outfitters - Wyoming
Blackstone Outfitters - Yukon
DB Outfitting - British Columbia
Homestead Lodge Maine - Maine
Ivory & Antler Outfitters - Colorado
Willow Air - Alaska
Featured Moose Hunting Business

Clearwater River Hunt: Moose hunting takes place during the rut in remote areas of northern Alberta Canada. To begin your moose hunting trip, we will take you to the most pristine wilderness 6 hours north of Edmonton to Fort McMurray. We will then board our riverboat and go 60 miles up the Clearwater River to our beautiful lodge and cabins. We will be moose hunting off the river in our boat and on top of the cutblocks. You can expect to shoot moose in the range of 40-50inch in this area.
Richardson River Hunt: Once you fly into Ft McMurray we will put you on a charter plane and fly you 140 miles north to the Richardson River. From there we will go 40 KM to our beautiful tent camp where we will begin calling for moose along the river and up on top of the ridges. We will be using ATV's with minimal hiking to hunt these big bulls. Being an extreme northern hunt, you may have an opportunity to see bulls over 50". This area is only accessible by airplance with no resident hunting pressure.
Learn more about Garrett Bros. Outfitting

The Canadian sub species of moose are in the middle of the size bracket. Being smaller than the Alaska/Yukon species to the north, and larger than the Shiras species to the south. A hunter can expect a 75% shot opportunity at a mature bull in both the rut and the late season. Our typical mature bull will have antlers varying from 35-45 inches in width with the occasional 50" bull harvested.
Learn more about Timber King Outfitting

Nakina is the top Moose hunting destination in Ontario and maybe all of Canada. Due to the high population of Moose; we receive way more adult Moose tags than outfitters that are farther south. This is why we are able to provide archery (bow) hunts, rifle hunts and Muzzleloader hunts at a very reasonable price.
Learn more about 7 Lakes Wilderness Camps
Moose Hunting Guides & Outfitters Directory
USA Moose Hunting Directory
- Alaska Moose Hunting
- Idaho Moose Hunting
- Maine Moose Hunting
- Maine Moose Hunting
- Minnesota Moose Hunting
- Montana Moose Hunting
- New Hampshire Moose Hunting
- Vermont Moose Hunting
- Wyoming Moose Hunting
Canada Moose Hunting Directory
- British Columbia Moose Hunting
- Manitoba Moose Hunting
- New Brunswick Moose Hunting
- Newfoundland Moose Hunting
- Northwest Territories Moose Hunting
- Nova Scotia Moose Hunting
- Nunavut Moose Hunting
- Ontario Moose Hunting
- Prince Edward Island Moose Hunting
- Quebec Moose Hunting
- Saskatchewan Moose Hunting
- Yukon Moose Hunting